The Velaraxian Ironclad

The Velaraxian Ironclad: Squat Imperial Militia

Amid the conflict on Velaraxis, an unlikely force has come to prominence: the **Velaraxian Ironclad**, a hardened Imperial Militia formed almost entirely of Squats, the abhuman descendants of ancient mining clans. The Squats of Velaraxis have lived beneath the planet's surface for millennia, adapting to its harsh environment and thriving in the deep mines. These hardy abhumans have long been employed by the Mechanicum to manage the mining operations of Nexiumite, a resource essential to the war effort. However, as the Horus Heresy engulfed the galaxy, the Squats found themselves dragged into the bloodiest conflict of the age.

Staunchly loyal to the Imperium, though somewhat distrustful of both Imperial and Mechanicum authority, the Velaraxian Ironclad have taken up arms to defend their subterranean homes from the ravages of the Traitor forces. Drawing upon centuries of experience in tunnel warfare and mechanised combat, they have turned the labyrinthine mines and forges of Velaraxis into a fortress network. The Squats fight with unmatched tenacity, employing their advanced technologies and sturdy war machines in defence of their world. Their ranks are bolstered by powerful exo-armoured warriors, heavily armed guild militias, and ancient battle tanks, many of which have been passed down through generations.


The Squats of Velaraxis trace their lineage back to ancient human colonists who settled on the planet long before the coming of the Imperium. Velaraxis was settled by a Squat colony thousands of years ago, drawn to the planet by its rich mineral deposits. The Velaraxian Squats developed a strong working relationship with the Mechanicum, trading their mining expertise and Nexiumite in exchange for protection and technological support. While Velaraxis' harsh surface made it unsuitable for typical human habitation, the Squats thrived in its depths, building vast underground strongholds connected by tunnels and mine shafts.

When Horus’ rebellion began, the Squats initially remained neutral, focused on defending their homes. But as the Traitor forces descended upon Velaraxis, seeking to seize the planet’s riches for themselves, the Squats had no choice but to ally with the Loyalists. Now, the Velaraxian Ironclad fight alongside the Imperial Fists and Dark Angels to repel the Alpha Legion and World Eaters from their tunnels. They regard the war with a characteristic Squat pragmatism—seeing it not as a grand ideological conflict, but as a fight for survival and the defence of their home.

The Velaraxian Ironclad’s Combat Doctrine

The Squats of Velaraxis specialise in subterranean warfare, making them experts in ambush tactics, fortification defence, and mechanised assaults within tight confines. Their wargear is ancient but reliable, with a focus on heavy armour, powerful ranged weaponry, and durable machinery. Their Guild Engineers maintain formidable war machines, such as Termite Assault Drills, and Mole Mortars, which allow them to strike with overwhelming force and rapidly relocate through the underground networks.

Their infantry units are highly disciplined, formed into Hearthguard squads equipped with heavy bolters, plasma guns, and flame weapons, suited to close-quarters combat in the mines. Additionally, the Squats employ Exo-Armor, massive suits of powered armour that give them the resilience to face down even the most ferocious World Eaters or endure Alpha Legion sabotage.