Forge of Karthon

The Forge of Karthon – The Heart of the Machine

The Forge of Karthon is one of the oldest and most important Mechanicum facilities on Velaraxis, renowned for its production of advanced war machines and arcane technology. Built centuries ago by the Loyalist Mechanicum, the Forge has long been a cornerstone of the planet’s industrial might, supplying the Imperium with everything from weapons to battle tanks. As the Horus Heresy unfolded, the Forge became a focal point of the war on Velaraxis, a prize sought by both the Loyalist forces and the Dark Mechanicum, each desperate to control its vast resources and technological secrets.

Structure and Layout

The Forge of Karthon is a sprawling industrial complex that sprawls across a rocky plateau on the surface of Velaraxis. Its architecture is a blend of Mechanicum utilitarianism and ancient grandeur, with massive forge-temples, towering chimneys, and vast manufactorums all interconnected by a maze of corridors and transport tunnels. The central heart of the Forge is the Magna Forge, where the most advanced war machines and relics are constructed. The facility extends deep underground as well, with sublevels dedicated to refining Nexiumite, powering its enormous engines, and housing Mechanicum workshops.

  1. The Magna Forge: The heart of the Forge of Karthon, the Magna Forge is where the most powerful weapons and machines of war are crafted. The furnace at its core burns with a superheated plasma, capable of melting even the hardest materials. Massive conveyor belts move titanic components for the assembly of Knights, Leviathans, and other advanced war engines.

  2. The Industrial Sprawl: Surrounding the Magna Forge are vast assembly lines, machine shops, and refineries. These facilities produce everything from small arms to power armor components. It is here that the Skitarii and Servitor Legions toil under the watchful gaze of their Tech-Priest overseers, ceaselessly churning out the tools of war.

  3. The Karthon Vaults: Buried deep beneath the Forge, the Karthon Vaults are an extensive repository of Mechanicum knowledge, schematics, and relics, many of which predate the Imperium. Some of the most advanced and dangerous technologies from the Dark Age of Technology are stored here, sealed away for fear of misuse. These vaults have become a critical objective for both the Loyalist and Traitor Mechanicum forces, as they could contain secrets that might turn the tide of the war.

The Sanctum of the Machine: Within the Forge of Karthon lies the Sanctum of the Machine, a hallowed chamber where the Machine God is worshiped. This sacred site is a place of pilgrimage for Tech-Priests, where they come to commune with the Omnissiah and receive visions of new inventions. The Dark Mechanicum seeks to corrupt this sacred place, while the Loyalist Mechanicum fights to protect its purity.

Historical Importance

For centuries, the Forge of Karthon was the pride of Velaraxis, supplying the Imperium with weapons, vehicles, and technological wonders. Its strategic location and immense output made it a vital part of the Imperium’s war machine, and its archives held many relics and secrets from both the Dark Age of Technology and the Great Crusade. The Forge was critical in maintaining Velaraxis’ position as a key industrial world in the wider Imperium.

During the Great Crusade, the Forge played a key role in constructing the mighty war engines of the Legio Aeterna Ignis, the Titan Legion that would defend the planet during the Heresy. Its manufactorums also produced wargear for the Imperial Fists and other Loyalist Legions fighting across the stars. However, with the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, the Forge found itself torn between its ancient allegiance to the Emperor and the seduction of the Dark Mechanicum.

The Role in the War for Velaraxis

The Forge of Karthon has become one of the most fiercely contested locations on Velaraxis. Its immense industrial output and the secrets hidden within its vaults make it a prize for both the Loyalists and the Traitors. The Loyalist forces, including the Iron Hands and Imperial Fists, have been dispatched to defend the Forge, while the Dark Mechanicum and their World Eaters and Alpha Legion allies seek to capture it for their own war effort.

  1. Loyalist Efforts: The Iron Hands, in particular, have taken a special interest in the Forge of Karthon, seeing it as a symbol of their belief in the fusion of man and machine. They have fortified the Forge’s outer defenses, deploying heavy armor and Techmarine-led repair teams to ensure that its production lines continue to function. The Imperial Fists, with their mastery of siege warfare, have also entrenched themselves in defensive positions around the Forge, determined to hold the line against the Traitors.

  2. Traitor Infiltration: The Dark Mechanicum is determined to seize the Forge of Karthon and twist its capabilities to serve their dark designs. Led by Magos Kryth Zhaan, the Dark Mechanicum has launched several brutal assaults on the Forge’s outer defenses, seeking to breach the Magna Forge and take control of its manufacturing capabilities. The Alpha Legion has also infiltrated the Forge, using sabotage and stealth to undermine the Loyalist defenses from within.

  3. Skirmishes in the Karthon Vaults: Deep beneath the Forge, skirmishes between Loyalist and Traitor forces have broken out in the Karthon Vaults, where the most powerful relics and dangerous technologies are stored. Both sides are eager to control the vaults, believing that the relics within could provide the key to victory on Velaraxis. These battles are often brutal and claustrophobic, with Tech-Priests and their Skitarii retinues clashing in narrow corridors and labyrinthine passageways.

Technological Wonders and Relics

The Forge of Karthon is not only valuable for its industrial output but also for the relics and experimental technologies hidden within its depths. Over the centuries, the Mechanicum has hoarded powerful weapons, schematics, and devices that could alter the balance of power on Velaraxis.

  1. Dark Age of Technology Artifacts: The Forge’s archives contain relics from the Dark Age of Technology, including advanced AI constructs, plasma reactors, and energy weapons capable of devastating entire armies. Many of these relics have been locked away due to their dangerous and unpredictable nature, but the Iron Hands and Dark Mechanicum believe that these technologies can be harnessed for the war effort.

  2. Experimental War Engines: The Forge has also developed prototypes of new war engines, including experimental Knights and Dreadnoughts. These war machines have yet to be fielded in large numbers, but they represent a potential game-changer in the battle for Velaraxis.

  3. The Purity of the Machine: The Sanctum of the Machine, located deep within the Forge, is said to contain knowledge of the true nature of the Machine God. The Dark Mechanicum seeks to corrupt this sacred knowledge, while the Loyalist forces are determined to protect it and prevent its desecration.

The Future of the Forge of Karthon

The war for the Forge of Karthon continues to rage, with both sides determined to control its immense industrial capabilities and technological relics. The Forge’s defenses are constantly tested by the Traitor forces, and its vaults are battlegrounds for control of forbidden knowledge. As the conflict escalates, the fate of the Forge will play a pivotal role in the outcome of the war for Velaraxis