Event 1 - The Battle for Velaraxis: Sundered by Vengeance 

Event 1 - The Battle for Velaraxis: Sundered by Vengeance 

In the midst of the galactic civil war, Velaraxis has become a battleground soaked in blood and torn by vengeance. The planet, once a hub for valuable resources, now hosts bitter conflicts between Loyalist and Traitor forces, each determined to annihilate the other. The conflict on Velaraxis is particularly vicious, driven by personal grudges and ancient rivalries. In this scenario, the battlefield will bear witness to a deadly Blood Feud, where neither side will stop until their enemies lie broken.

Mission Overview:

In "Sundered by Vengeance", the forces of the Horus Heresy clash in a bitter feud, with each side aiming to destroy their chosen enemies. This mission is based on Mission 1: Blood Feud from Horus Heresy Second Edition, where players must select key unit types to target, earning points for eliminating them. The deployment uses Deployment Type 2: Dawn of War, setting the stage for a wide and bloody engagement, with forces deployed across the long edges of the battlefield.

Scenario Specifics:

  • Mission Name: Sundered by Vengeance

  • Mission Type: Blood Feud (Mission 1)

  • Deployment Type: Dawn of War (Deployment Type 2)

  • Battle Size: 1500 Points

  • Board Size: 6'x4'

  • Army Restrictions: Modified “NOVA Open 2024 Centurion Mode”

    • Force Organization Chart: Standard, with the following restrictions:

      • Prohibited Units: Vehicles, Dreadnoughts (i.e. Leviathan), Automata with 7 or more wounds, Knights, Titans, Armigers, and Primarchs may NOT be selected.

      • Limited Units:

        • Dreadnoughts (6 or fewer wounds, i.e. Contemptor & Casteferrum), Automata (6 or fewer wounds), Artillery, units with the Monstrous subtype, units with the Mechanised subtype, and Legion Javelins or Proteus Landspeeders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit per army.

        • Maximum 1 model per unit for Dreadnoughts (i.e. you cannot take a unit of 2-3).

        • The Warlord does not count toward this restriction unless they also have a retinue.

      • No Allied Detachments


  • Blood Feud Kill Points: At the beginning of the game, each player chooses a primary and secondary target unit type (Infantry, Elites, Vehicles, or Characters). Victory points are earned for destroying enemy units of the chosen types.

    • Primary Target: Destroying an enemy unit of the designated primary target type earns 2 Victory Points.

    • Secondary Target: Destroying an enemy unit of the designated secondary target type earns 1 Victory Point.

    • Other Units: Destroying units outside the chosen types does not grant any points unless they fall under the selected categories.

  • Tactical Superiority: In addition to the blood feud, controlling key positions is vital. Players must fight for control of strategically important locations on the battlefield. These areas represent key vantage points or objectives crucial for the war effort, though they are not specified by terrain features.

    • There are 3 objectives placed on the battlefield

      • One in the centre of the battlefield.

      • One placed by each player in their opponent’s half of the table, at least 12” away from the table edge and 6” away from any deployment zone

  • Each objective controlled at the end of the game is worth 2 Victory Points.


  • Dawn of War (Deployment Type 2): Players deploy their forces along the long edges of the battlefield, with each army starting up to 12” from their respective table edge. This wide deployment encourages open warfare, giving both sides plenty of space to manoeuvre and strike.

  • No Man’s Land: The area between the deployment zones is open, contested ground. Both sides must advance through this area to engage each other and seize objectives.

Special Rules:

  • Blood Feud Targets: At the start of the game, before deployment, both players secretly choose their primary and secondary target unit types (Infantry, Elites, Vehicles, or Characters). These target types dictate which enemy units will score Victory Points when destroyed.

  • Slay the Warlord: If the enemy Warlord is slain, the player scores 1 Victory Point in addition to any points scored for the Warlord’s unit type.

  • Attrition: At the end of the game, the player who has destroyed the most enemy units in total earns 1 Victory Point.

Victory Conditions:

  • Primary Objective: Score Victory Points for eliminating enemy units of the chosen primary and secondary target types (2 points for primary, 1 point for secondary).

  • Secondary Objective: Control the 3 battlefield objectives (each granting 2 Victory Points) at the end of the game.

  • Slay the Warlord: Destroy the enemy Warlord for an additional 1 Victory Point.

  • Attrition: The player who has destroyed the most units during the game earns 1 Victory Point.1 Victory Point.

Game Length:

The game lasts for 6 turns. At the end of Turn 6, roll a D6. On a 4+, the game continues for one additional turn.


In "Sundered by Vengeance", two forces clash in an open, brutal conflict where personal rivalries drive them to annihilate specific enemies. Each side has carefully chosen its targets, and their objective is clear: destroy the chosen unit types to cripple the enemy’s war effort while seizing control of key positions on the battlefield. The broad deployment across the battlefield offers opportunities for strategic movement, but the need to eliminate chosen targets adds a layer of tactical depth. With every fallen foe, the desire for revenge deepens, and only one side will emerge victorious in this bloody and unforgiving feud.

Event Info

Date: TBC Nov 2024

Location: The Realm of Pure Fantasy, Mosta, Malta