Forge Delta-9

Forge Delta-9 is an ancient Mechanicum stronghold and industrial complex located deep within the volatile terrain of Velaraxis. Built during the Great Crusade, it was originally established to oversee the extraction and refinement of Nexiumite, the rare and valuable mineral critical to the Imperium's war machine. The forge is a sprawling industrial complex that spans both the surface and the subterranean layers of the planet, making it a key asset for both Loyalist and Traitor forces during the conflict on Velaraxis.

Location and Structure

Situated in a region known as the Rust Barrens, Forge Delta-9 is a maze of blast furnaces, mining tunnels, assembly lines, and towering manufactorums. The forge is divided into multiple sectors, each dedicated to different aspects of production. Some parts of the forge are still operational, while others have fallen into disrepair, overtaken by rust and debris from centuries of continuous labor. Key sections of the forge include:

  • The Core Foundry: The heart of Forge Delta-9, this massive foundry processes raw Nexiumite into refined materials for weapons, armor, and power systems. The Core Foundry is heavily defended with automated turrets, defensive energy fields, and Mechanicum battle-automata.

  • Subterranean Smelting Fields: Deep beneath the surface, the smelting fields are where raw materials from Velaraxis' mines are processed. These subterranean tunnels are treacherous and filled with molten metal flows, making them hazardous battle zones. Loyalist and Traitor forces have fought bitterly in these tight quarters, with ambushes and sabotage being common tactics.

  • The Mechanicum Vaults: These vaults hold experimental weapons, relics, and schematics considered too dangerous or valuable to be left unsecured. Some of these technologies are remnants of the Dark Age of Technology, while others are forbidden xenos artifacts. Both sides in the Heresy are eager to gain access to these vaults, but they are protected by complex security systems and Mechanicum constructs.

  • The Scrap Yards: A vast, open expanse surrounding the main forge, filled with the skeletal remains of war machines, abandoned mining equipment, and wreckage from previous battles. The Scrap Yards serve as a battlefield where Titans and armored vehicles often clash, using the debris as cover.

Strategic Importance

Forge Delta-9 holds immense value for both Loyalist and Traitor forces in the Battle for Velaraxis. For the Loyalists, controlling the forge ensures a steady supply of Nexiumite for the ongoing war effort and denies the Traitors access to its valuable resources. For the Traitors, seizing the forge would allow them to turn the Imperium’s resources against itself, while also gaining access to forbidden Mechanicum technology stored within the vaults.

Conflict at Forge Delta-9

The fight for control of Forge Delta-9 has been particularly brutal, with forces from both sides clashing in its industrial heart. The Dark Mechanicum, aligned with the Traitor forces, has already corrupted parts of the forge, twisting its machines and war engines into nightmarish versions of their former selves. The Legio Aeterna Ignis and the Velaraxian Guard have fought alongside Mechanicum Loyalists to reclaim or defend critical sections of the forge, leading to some of the most intense battles of the Velaraxis campaign.

The Reaver Titan Ferrum Incendius and the Warhound Titans Fury of Sideros and Inferno Hound from the Legio Aeterna Ignis were crucial in breaching the Dark Mechanicum's corrupted defenses during one of the campaign’s major engagements, known as the Burning of Forge Delta-9. The battle resulted in heavy losses on both sides, but it ensured that key sections of the forge remained in Loyalist hands, though other areas continue to be contested.

Current Status

While parts of Forge Delta-9 remain under Loyalist control, significant portions of the forge are either abandoned or still contested by the Dark Mechanicum and their Traitor allies. The once-proud complex now bears the scars of war, with many of its production lines silent or working at diminished capacity. However, the ongoing battle for control of the forge remains fierce, with both sides unwilling to concede its vital resources and strategic value.


Forge Delta-9 is heavily fortified, with its defenses including:

  • Automated turrets and weapon emplacements along key entry points and high-value areas.

  • Mechanicum battle-automata patrol the forge, including Castellax and Thanatar class units, which guard the entrances to the most sensitive areas.

  • Energy barriers and void shields protect the central portions of the forge, particularly the Core Foundry and Mechanicum Vaults.

  • Booby traps and security systems line the corridors leading to critical areas, ensuring that even infiltrators or saboteurs face extreme difficulty in bypassing these defenses.


The air around Forge Delta-9 is thick with smog, the acrid smell of molten metal, and the constant grinding of gears. Inside, the walls are stained with soot and rust, with massive pipes and conveyor belts snaking through every corridor. Lighting is dim and often flickers, casting long shadows that create an oppressive atmosphere. It is a place of industry and war, where every corner holds the risk of sudden death, whether from enemy forces or the dangerous machinery within.

Future of Forge Delta-9

As the war for Velaraxis continues, the fate of Forge Delta-9 remains uncertain. Its valuable resources and strategic location make it a key objective for both sides, and the battle for control is unlikely to subside anytime soon. Whoever holds Forge Delta-9 holds a major advantage in the ongoing struggle for Velaraxis and its riches.