Night Lords

Night Lords

As the war for Velaraxis escalates, a new shadow falls over the embattled planet: the Night Lords. Known for their sadistic tactics and mastery of psychological warfare, the Night Lords have arrived on Velaraxis under the command of Captain Sevatar, dispatched by the Warmaster Horus to spread terror and chaos among the Loyalist forces and secure key strategic objectives for the Traitors. Their presence turns an already brutal war into a nightmare, as they wage a campaign of fear and horror deep within the mining tunnels and on the planet's toxic surface.

The 8th Legion, notorious for its use of terror tactics, has no interest in drawn-out sieges or strategic gains in the traditional sense. Instead, the Night Lords seek to break the morale of their enemies, using ambushes, terror raids, and grotesque displays of violence to destabilize the Loyalist defenses. Their appearance on Velaraxis was unexpected, and their impact immediate—entire outposts have fallen silent overnight, their occupants butchered or driven mad by the horrors they witnessed. For the Night Lords, Velaraxis is the perfect hunting ground: its dark tunnels, isolated outposts, and chaotic battlefields provide ample opportunity for them to unleash their unique brand of warfare.


The Night Lords, originally hailing from the Nostramo sector, are infamous across the galaxy for their use of fear as a weapon. Unlike many of the other Traitor Legions, the Night Lords fight not for ideological reasons or loyalty to Horus, but out of a deep-seated desire to inflict pain and suffering. Under the leadership of their Primarch, Konrad Curze, the Night Lords have always sought to instill terror in their foes, using brutal tactics designed to crush the spirit of their enemies before a battle even begins.

Velaraxis offers a rich environment for their methods. The dark, claustrophobic tunnels of the mining colonies, combined with the constant threat of acid storms and environmental hazards, create a natural atmosphere of fear. The Night Lords have quickly adapted to this new battleground, using the planet's conditions to their advantage. They infiltrate the deepest tunnels, slaughtering entire mining crews and leaving their remains as horrific warnings to those who would dare stand against them.

The Night Lords’ Role in the Conflict

The Night Lords have been sent to Velaraxis with several key objectives:

  1. Demoralization Campaign: Their primary goal is to sow fear and confusion among the Loyalist forces, weakening their resolve and leaving them vulnerable to the larger Traitor assaults. They conduct nightly raids on Loyalist outposts, targeting supply lines, command centers, and isolated squads.

  2. Assassination and Sabotage: The Night Lords specialize in assassination and sabotage, targeting key Loyalist leaders and equipment. Their focus is on eliminating Imperial Fists and Solar Auxilia commanders, crippling the Loyalists' ability to coordinate a cohesive defense. They also disrupt mining operations, collapsing tunnels and destroying machinery to prevent the Loyalists from fully utilizing Velaraxis’ resources.

  3. Hunting the Squats: The Velaraxian Ironclad, with their intimate knowledge of the planet’s tunnels, pose a unique challenge to the Night Lords. As such, the Night Lords have begun targeting Squat outposts specifically, seeking to eliminate their leadership and instill terror among the abhuman defenders.

  4. Securing Xenos Relics: Like the Alpha Legion, the Night Lords have developed a disturbing interest in the ancient xenos ruins hidden beneath Velaraxis. However, their approach is less scientific and more destructive. They seek to uncover any potential weaponry or artifacts that could be used to further spread fear and chaos throughout the Imperium.

Night Lords Combat Doctrine on Velaraxis

The Night Lords have adapted their terror-based tactics to the unique environment of Velaraxis. Their forces rely on infiltration, stealth, and sudden, overwhelming violence to destabilize their enemies. They excel at night raids and ambushes, using the darkness and confusion of Velaraxis’ subterranean tunnels to their advantage. In open battle, the Night Lords use fear as a weapon, employing terror-inducing wargear such as vocal amplifiers that project the screams of their victims, and grisly trophies displayed on their armor to horrify enemy forces.

The Night Lords also employ Raptor squads—specialized jump-pack units that excel in hit-and-run tactics. These warriors strike from the shadows, using their superior mobility to navigate the treacherous terrain of Velaraxis and hit key targets before disappearing into the darkness.

Night Lords Strategy on Velaraxis

The Night Lords are not interested in controlling Velaraxis for its resources—they leave that to the Alpha Legion and World Eaters. Their role is one of psychological warfare: to weaken the Loyalists through fear, chaos, and destruction, making the planet ripe for a final, devastating assault by Horus’ forces. The Night Lords target the most isolated and vulnerable parts of the planet, particularly the deep mining tunnels where their brutal tactics are most effective. Their goal is to spread terror, demoralize the enemy, and prevent the Loyalists from forming a cohesive defense.

As the battle for Velaraxis rages on, the Night Lords’ presence becomes an ever-growing source of dread for the Loyalist forces. With each new raid, they sow more fear, making it harder for the defenders to hold their ground. Their tactics may not win them the planet, but they aim to ensure that, by the time the final assault comes, the defenders of Velaraxis will be too broken to fight back.