Legio Aeterna Ignis

Legio Aeterna Ignis – The Eternal Fire in the Battle for Velaraxis

The Legio Aeterna Ignis, also known as the Eternal Fire, has been deployed to Velaraxis to defend the planet’s vital Nexiumite resources and prevent the fall of ancient xenos relics into the hands of Traitors. Hailing from the Forge World Sideros Prime, the Titans of this proud Loyalist legion are renowned for their steadfast resilience and relentless combat prowess. Their red and black armor, accented with silver trim, stands as a symbol of their undying loyalty to the Emperor and their unbreakable spirit on the battlefield.

In the face of the escalating conflict on Velaraxis, the Legio Aeterna Ignis has deployed a formidable maniple of Titans to spearhead key operations. This maniple consists of one Reaver-class Titan and two Warhound-class Titans, each commanded by a seasoned Princeps with a history of valor and victory.

The Aeterna Ignis Maniple

Reaver Titan – Ferrum Incendius

Princeps Majoris: Princeps Iskander Vhol

  • The Reaver-class Titan Ferrum Incendius, meaning Iron Fire, is the central pillar of the Aeterna Ignis Maniple. It is designed for both devastating long-range bombardment and brutal close-combat engagements, equipped with an Inferno Cannon, a Power Fist, and an Apocalypse Missile Launcher. Commanded by Princeps Majoris Iskander Vhol, a tactical genius known for his cold, calculating approach to warfare, Ferrum Incendius has proven to be an unstoppable force on the battlefield, tearing through enemy defenses with both fire and fury.

  • Weapons Loadout:

    • Inferno Cannon (for melting through infantry and light vehicles with searing flames)

    • Power Fist (for obliterating enemy Titans, vehicles, and fortifications in close combat)

    • Apocalypse Missile Launcher (for long-range bombardment, capable of raining destruction on enemy forces)

Key Engagement: During the Burning of Forge Delta-9, Vhol used the Ferrum Incendius to lead a brutal assault on the Dark Mechanicum-held forge. The Inferno Cannon incinerated enemy infantry and automata, while the Power Fist tore apart corrupted Knights and Daemon Engines, shattering the Traitors' hold on the forge.

Warhound Titan – Fury of Sideros

Princeps: Princeps Aelina Thane

  • Fury of Sideros is a Warhound-class Titan designed for speed and hit-and-run tactics, making it an ideal flanking unit. Commanded by the daring and aggressive Princeps Aelina Thane, Fury of Sideros combines heavy firepower with unmatched mobility, armed with a Plasma Blastgun and a Twin-Linked Turbo Laser Destructor. Thane is known for her ferocity on the battlefield, often pushing her Titan to its limits to outmaneuver and annihilate enemy armor and infantry.

  • Weapons Loadout:

    • Plasma Blastgun (for devastating bursts of plasma energy, capable of melting through enemy armor at medium range)

    • Twin-Linked Turbo Laser Destructor (for long-range anti-armor strikes, ideal for penetrating thick armor or Titan-class enemies)

Key Engagement: At the Last Stand at Nexium Pass, Fury of Sideros harried Alpha Legion armor columns with precision plasma blasts while delivering crippling strikes with its Turbo Laser Destructor, allowing the Loyalist forces to regroup and hold the critical pass against overwhelming Traitor forces.

Warhound Titan – Inferno Hound

Princeps: Princeps Dax Voryn

  • Inferno Hound, the second Warhound-class Titan in the maniple, is commanded by Princeps Dax Voryn, a methodical and pragmatic warrior who excels in tactical precision. Like its counterpart, Inferno Hound is armed with a Plasma Blastgun and a Twin-Linked Turbo Laser Destructor, making it highly effective in both armor-piercing strikes and close-range devastation. Voryn is known for his patience and careful planning, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and cripple key enemy assets.

  • Weapons Loadout:

    • Plasma Blastgun (for medium-range destruction of heavy armor and vehicles)

    • Twin-Linked Turbo Laser Destructor (for long-range precision strikes against enemy Titans, vehicles, and fortifications)

Key Engagement: During the Defense of the Iron Spires, Inferno Hound played a crucial role in dismantling a Traitor Knight formation, delivering pinpoint plasma strikes and using its Turbo Laser Destructor to obliterate the lead Traitor Knight, effectively breaking the enemy's assault and securing victory for the Loyalists.

Combat Doctrine of the Aeterna Ignis Maniple

The Aeterna Ignis Maniple excels at a combination of long-range bombardment and fast, precise strikes. The Reaver Titan Ferrum Incendius serves as the anchor of the formation, using its Apocalypse Missile Launcher to bombard enemy positions while its Inferno Cannon and Power Fist engage foes in close combat. Meanwhile, the Warhound TitansFury of Sideros and Inferno Hound—are the fast-attack elements of the maniple, using their speed to outflank the enemy and deliver devastating plasma and laser strikes at key targets.

This combination of heavy firepower and rapid mobility allows the Aeterna Ignis Maniple to dominate both large-scale engagements and surgical strikes, making it a versatile and deadly force on the battlefield.

Key Campaign Engagements

  • The Siege of the Acid Wastes: The Aeterna Ignis Maniple played a pivotal role in halting a combined assault from the World Eaters and Alpha Legion forces. Ferrum Incendius held the line against the berserk World Eaters, using its Inferno Cannon to incinerate swathes of infantry, while the Warhound Titans flanked the Alpha Legion armor, picking off tanks and transports with devastating plasma and laser fire.

  • Subterranean Raid at Forge Delta-9: Leading the charge into the Dark Mechanicum's corrupted forge, Fury of Sideros and Inferno Hound struck with blinding speed, dismantling the enemy defenses. Ferrum Incendius followed, delivering a crushing assault on the Dark Mechanicum's forces, obliterating their war engines and cleansing the forge of corruption.

  • Last Stand at Nexium Pass: Outnumbered and facing overwhelming Traitor forces, the Aeterna Ignis Maniple held the critical pass long enough for Loyalist reinforcements to arrive. Ferrum Incendius destroyed Traitor fortifications with its Apocalypse Missile Launcher, while the Warhound Titans harassed enemy lines, preventing them from establishing a foothold.

Key Campaign Engagements

The Aeterna Ignis Maniple has become a symbol of hope and strength for the Loyalist forces on Velaraxis. Their distinctive red and black armor, blazing on the battlefield, serves as a reminder that the Emperor's fire burns eternal, even in the darkest hours. As the war for Velaraxis rages on, the Legio Aeterna Ignis remains an indomitable force, bringing death and destruction to the Traitors and ensuring that the light of the Imperium will never be extinguished.