Campaign Rules

Modelling & Painting:

  • Models should be as WYSIWYG as possible, feel free to proxy, 3D print or convert but make it clear to your opponent what something is. The rule of cool applies. We are not James Workshop.

  • Models should represent the heresy era. Ideally armour should be MKII-VI, though MKVII was used in limited numbers by Imperial Fists, Blood Angels and and White Scars during the siege of Terra. Primaris Marines are subject to exterminatus.

  • We understand that people may be new to Horus Heresy, but try and make an effort to get some paint on those models.  Even if this is just a base coat (i.e Spray Paint and an Ink Wash) to begin with. This is not a tournament where you need the latest models. As a bonus players who make the additional effort to paint and model their armies to build the narrative will gain additional campaign points. This helps to make it for a fun and immersive experience for all involved. With this in mind, we will run the campaign in a slow grow format.

Slow Grow Campaign – Building Your Force Over Time

The Velaraxis Campaign is designed as a slow grow campaign, encouraging players to gradually build, paint, and base their armies as they progress through the campaign’s narrative. Each month, players are encouraged to focus on completing one unit—fully built, painted, and based—before moving on to the next. This method ensures that players can enjoy the hobby at a manageable pace while steadily growing their forces to meet the escalating demands of the campaign.

Whether you are new to the Horus Heresy or a veteran looking to expand your army, this slow grow format helps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. By breaking down your force into monthly goals, you can focus on perfecting each unit while also immersing yourself in the rich narrative of Velaraxis. By the end of the campaign, you'll have a fully painted and cohesive army ready to wage war!

Rules, Errata and FAQs

  • All core and expanded units may be selected as per the army construction rules from Horus Heresy V2. 

  • Additional House Rules: 

    • SN Battle Reports Artificer Armour: If you have artificer armour you can only use the artificer saving throw up to the amount of times of the initiative of the model wearing it. I.e. if it is a sergeant with I4, then they may use the save a max 4 times in a round. 

    • Mission specific house rules will be added to mission descriptions as and when needed.

Velaraxis Campaign Post-Battle Scoring System

The post-battle scoring system for the Velaraxis Campaign focuses on rewarding not only victories but also narrative immersion, sportsmanship, painting, and achieving battlefield objectives. This system encourages players to fully engage with the rich storylines of the campaign, fostering a collaborative and enjoyable experience while contributing to the overall progress of the Loyalist or Traitor forces.

Each battle contributes points to either the Loyalist or Traitor faction, and individual player scores are tracked for recognition of achievements in different aspects of the campaign.

Categories for Post-Battle Scoring

  1. Narrative Engagement (0-5 Points)

    • 5 Points: Player fully embraces the campaign narrative, incorporating the storyline into their army’s actions, decisions, and battlefield strategies. Their army's backstory and character choices are clearly integrated into the events of the battle.

    • 3 Points: Player references the narrative and includes some role-playing or character moments that enhance the storytelling aspect of the game.

    • 1 Point: Some effort is made to engage with the narrative, but it has little impact on gameplay decisions or army behavior.

    • 0 Points: No narrative engagement or consideration of the campaign storyline.

  2. Sportsmanship (0-5 Points)

    • 5 Points: Player demonstrates outstanding sportsmanship, being courteous, helpful, and creating an enjoyable experience for their opponent. They ensure that the game is fun and fair for both sides, even in the heat of battle.

    • 3 Points: Player is respectful and fair, ensuring a good experience overall with only minor moments of competitive spirit.

    • 1 Point: Player demonstrates minimal sportsmanship, focusing heavily on winning but not being disruptive.

    • 0 Points: Poor sportsmanship is displayed, including rules arguments, unsportsmanlike conduct, or creating a negative experience for their opponent.

  3. Painting and Army Presentation (0-5 Points)

    • 5 Points: Entire army is fully painted, cohesive, and thematically tied to the campaign’s storyline. The player’s army includes conversions, basing, and details that make it stand out on the tabletop.

    • 3 Points: Army is fully painted and cohesive, with some effort put into making the army’s appearance stand out.

    • 1 Point: Army is partially painted or includes a mix of painted and unpainted models.

    • 0 Points: Army is entirely unpainted or consists of mostly unpainted models.

  4. Battlefield Objectives (0-10 Points)

    • Players score points based on how many battlefield objectives they achieve during the game. This category is split into two main areas:

  5. Primary Objectives (0-6 Points): These are the main campaign objectives or mission-specific goals set at the start of the battle.

    • 6 Points: All primary objectives achieved.

    • 4 Points: Most primary objectives achieved.

    • 2 Points: Some primary objectives achieved.

    • 0 Points: No primary objectives achieved.

  6. Secondary Objectives (0-4 Points): These are minor objectives, such as eliminating a key enemy unit, holding a strategic position, or completing narrative-driven goals.

    • 4 Points: All secondary objectives achieved.

    • 2 Points: Some secondary objectives achieved.

    • 0 Points: No secondary objectives achieved.

  7. Victory Points (0-10 Points)

    • 10 Points: Victory achieved with full objectives and conditions met.

    • 8 Points: Victory achieved, but some objectives missed.

    • 4 Points: The game ends in a draw or stalemate, with both sides meeting some objectives.

    • 2 Points: Loss, but primary objectives contested and narrative progress made.

    • 0 Points: Clear loss with no objectives achieved.

Bonus Points

  • Heroic Moments (+2 Points): Awarded for any particularly heroic, cinematic, or dramatic moments during the game, as agreed upon by both players (e.g., a lone character holding off overwhelming odds, a last-ditch charge, or a narrative twist).

  • Defending or Advancing the Campaign Plot (+2 Points): If the outcome of the battle has a direct and notable effect on the campaign storyline, such as capturing or losing a critical location, extra points are awarded.

Final Post-Battle Scoring Template

After each battle, players calculate their scores in the following format:

Total Points Per Game: 0-37

Faction Contribution

  • After each game, each player's total points are added to either the Loyalist or Traitor faction’s grand total, contributing to the overall progress of their side in the campaign. The side with the higher total at key campaign points or the end of the campaign will claim key narrative victories or strategic objectives.

Player Awards and Recognition

At the end of the campaign, players will be recognized for their contributions in the following categories:

  1. Master of the Narrative: Awarded to the player with the highest combined narrative engagement score.

  2. Paragon of Sportsmanship: Awarded to the player with the highest sportsmanship score.

  3. Artisan of War: Awarded to the player with the highest painting and army presentation score.

  4. Battlefield Champion: Awarded to the player who has achieved the most battlefield objectives and victories.

  5. Hero of Velaraxis: The overall highest-scoring player, considering all categories.

This system ensures that players who contribute to the campaign narrative, maintain sportsmanship, and present their armies well are rewarded, even if they do not win every battle. It also allows both the Traitor and Loyalist forces to build toward an epic conclusion based on their overall campaign performance.

Sportsmanship & Narrative Engagement:

All players should play ethically and treat each other with respect (i.e. Don’t be a dick/that guy.) Being a great sportsperson and engaging actively with the narrative throughout the campaign will be rewarded and contribute to your factions victory (or defeat).