

In the grim shadows of the Horus Heresy, where the lines between Loyalist and Traitor blur, there exists a force outside the rigid loyalties of either side: the Blackshields. These are warbands of Astartes who have turned away from their Legions, their oaths to Primarchs and Emperor shattered. Whether they have been abandoned, disillusioned, or have chosen to walk their own path, the Blackshields are a mercenary force of renegades—fighting for their own survival and goals amidst the galaxy’s greatest civil war.

The Blackshields on Velaraxis are an enigmatic and brutal faction, rumored to have arrived on the planet in pursuit of ancient xenos technology buried deep within its core, while others whisper that they seek vengeance for past betrayals. Their arrival has added a dangerous and unpredictable element to the war, as neither Loyalist nor Traitor forces can fully trust their intentions. The Blackshields fight with no clear loyalty to either side, engaging in hit-and-run raids, sabotaging key infrastructure, and taking advantage of the chaos to claim resources and technology for themselves.

Background of the Blackshields

The Blackshields are a loose confederation of warbands, each with its own history and reasons for abandoning their original Legion. Some are former Loyalists who have grown disillusioned with the Emperor’s cause after seeing the horrors of the Great Crusade or facing betrayal from their own brothers. Others are Traitors who turned on their Primarchs, either out of disgust for the corruption of Chaos or because of personal vendettas. Some Blackshield warbands are composed of shattered remnants of Legions that have been left behind or declared Excommunicate Traitoris, while others are made up of defectors from both sides.

On Velaraxis, the Blackshields have taken advantage of the confusion and desperation surrounding the planet’s conflict. They have no interest in Nexiumite or the war’s ideological battle. Instead, their primary objectives seem to be the acquisition of forbidden xenos technology hidden beneath Velaraxis, and personal survival amid the chaos of the Heresy. The Blackshields operate in small, highly mobile warbands, often striking without warning and disappearing into the planet’s toxic storms or underground labyrinths before anyone can retaliate.

Motives of the Blackshields on Velaraxis

The Blackshields’ presence on Velaraxis is shrouded in mystery, and their true motivations are known only to themselves. Several possible objectives for their involvement in the campaign include:

  1. Xenos Technology: The ancient xenos ruins buried beneath Velaraxis have attracted many factions, and the Blackshields are no exception. Some warbands seek to exploit the alien technology for their own ends, hoping to use it as a bargaining chip or a powerful weapon to ensure their survival in a galaxy that has no place for them.

  2. Revenge and Redemption: For some Blackshield warbands, Velaraxis offers an opportunity to settle old scores. Whether they seek vengeance against their former Legion or redemption through bloody combat, they view the planet as a battleground where they can prove themselves once more—on their own terms.

  3. Mercenary Contracts: Though officially independent, some Blackshields may have aligned themselves temporarily with Loyalist or Traitor forces, acting as mercenaries in exchange for supplies, safe passage, or other benefits. However, their loyalty is fleeting, and they are just as likely to switch sides if it serves their own interests.

Survival: For many Blackshields, Velaraxis is simply a refuge. The planet’s chaos allows them to operate in relative anonymity, free from the endless pursuit of both the Imperium and the forces of Chaos. They use the planet’s labyrinthine tunnels and volatile atmosphere to evade their enemies and strike from the shadows.

Blackshields Combat Doctrine on Velaraxis

The Blackshields are not a conventional fighting force, and their tactics reflect their unconventional nature. They operate in small, elite warbands, often heavily customized in terms of wargear and tactics. Their combat style is highly mobile, relying on ambushes, guerrilla tactics, and sabotage to cripple their enemies before retreating back into the safety of the planet’s treacherous terrain.

Unlike the more organized forces of the Loyalists or Traitors, the Blackshields are unpredictable. They may one day ally with a Loyalist force to take down a greater Traitor threat, only to turn on their former allies the next day. Their mastery of hit-and-run tactics makes them a constant thorn in the side of both sides in the Velaraxis conflict.

Key Tactical Elements:

  1. Guerrilla Warfare: Blackshields excel at ambushes and guerrilla tactics, often striking quickly and retreating before their enemies can react. They use Velaraxis’ tunnels and harsh terrain to their advantage, navigating the planet’s hazardous environments with ease while their enemies struggle.

  2. Custom Warbands: Each Blackshield warband is unique, with its own blend of tactics and wargear. Some warbands favor heavy, Terminator-armored assaults, while others prefer stealth and infiltration. Their lack of standardized tactics makes them difficult to predict or counter.

  3. Unorthodox Weaponry: Because they operate outside the confines of traditional Legion command structures, the Blackshields often make use of scavenged, modified, or even xenos technology. This gives them access to a wide range of unconventional weapons, some of which are highly unstable but devastating in battle.

  4. No Allegiances: The Blackshields are loyal only to themselves. While they may temporarily ally with Loyalists or Traitors, they are just as likely to betray their allies if it suits their goals. This makes them dangerous wild cards in the ongoing war for Velaraxis.

The Blackshields' Role in the Campaign

The Blackshields are a dangerous and unpredictable force on Velaraxis. Their objectives may overlap with both Loyalist and Traitor factions, but they ultimately serve no one but themselves. Their presence complicates the war for both sides, as neither can fully trust them, and both must contend with the possibility of betrayal at any moment.

For the Blackshields, Velaraxis is a land of opportunity—whether for vengeance, survival, or personal gain. Their ability to operate in the shadows, launch sudden strikes, and navigate the treacherous terrain of the planet makes them a constant threat. As the war for Velaraxis drags on, the Blackshields will continue to play both sides, striking when the opportunity is right and vanishing back into the chaos before anyone can stop them.

Their true allegiance may never be known, but one thing is certain: wherever they fight, they leave chaos in their wake, and their actions will undoubtedly shape the outcome of the conflict on Velaraxis in ways no one can predict.