Intel: Grex Volatilia – The Birds of Prey of the Legio Custodes

Player: Ryan Abela (IG @the_hidden_hydra )

The Grex Volatilia, led by Shield-Captain Valentin Rubrum, is an elite, fast-strike force within the Legio Custodes, renowned for their unconventional tactics and lightning-fast assaults. Founded by Rubrum, the Tavulia Umbra—a small, tight-knit group of Custodians riding jetbikes—served as the core of this formation. Their audacity and effectiveness in hit-and-run engagements quickly gained the attention of Constantin Valdor, who personally approved Rubrum’s request to form a fleet-based Shield Host, allowing the Custodians to operate far from Terra, across the galaxy.

Dubbed the Grex Volatilia, or "Flock of Birds of Prey," this force is entrusted with roaming beyond the Sol Segmentum to confront emerging threats, using their unparalleled speed and precision to disrupt enemy operations. Their focus on guerrilla warfare, combined with fast-moving units of jetbikes and Venetari, makes them a terror to any who oppose the Emperor. While known for their mobility, the Grex Volatilia is also supported by heavily armed Contemptor Dreadnoughts and other heavy units, ensuring that they have the power to crush resistance once their swift strikes have shattered enemy lines.

In addition to their military prowess, the Grex Volatilia often operate alongside the Anathema Psykana, aiding in the recruitment of Null-Maidens for the Imperium’s fight against the psyker threat. With Shield-Captain Rubrum at their helm, the Grex Volatilia is a versatile and deadly force, bringing both speed and overwhelming force to the battlefields of the galaxy.

Shield-Captain Valentin Rubrum – The Raptor of the Grex Volatilia

Shield-Captain Valentin Rubrum is a highly respected and fiercely independent warrior within the ranks of the Legio Custodes, known for his tactical brilliance and ability to adapt to rapidly changing battlefields. Born on Terra and trained within the Imperial Palace itself, Rubrum quickly distinguished himself with his mastery of both close-quarters combat and high-speed engagements. Early in his career, he developed a fascination with the Custodian Dawneagle Jetbikes, seeing them as the perfect blend of mobility, firepower, and the personal prowess required to bring the Emperor’s justice to his enemies with lightning speed.

Rubrum’s bold approach to warfare caught the eye of Constantin Valdor, the Chief Custodian, who saw in him the potential to lead unconventional strike forces capable of carrying out operations far from Terra’s immediate defenses. After several highly successful campaigns in which Rubrum’s jetbike-mounted Tavulia Umbra proved pivotal in decapitating enemy leadership and disrupting logistical chains, Valdor granted Rubrum the authority to form a new, fleet-based Shield Host: the Grex Volatilia.

As the commander of the Grex Volatilia, Rubrum earned a reputation as a visionary leader. His philosophy of warfare emphasizes mobility, precision strikes, and guerrilla tactics, traits unusual for the typically methodical Custodes. Despite his emphasis on speed, Rubrum is no mere glory-seeker; he ensures that every strike serves the greater strategic picture, often harassing enemies with hit-and-run attacks before delivering a crushing blow with his heavier support units, including the Contemptor Dreadnoughts.

Rubrum is also deeply committed to the Anathema Psykana, having personally witnessed the devastating effects of rogue psykers during his campaigns. He works closely with the Null-Maidens, not only aiding them in combat but actively assisting in the recruitment of new Sisters of Silence as they travel the galaxy. This partnership has led to Rubrum gaining deep insights into the unique capabilities of the Sisters, which he uses to devastating effect on the battlefield, coordinating their efforts to neutralize powerful enemy psykers while his jetbike forces encircle and strike.

In combat, Rubrum is a fearsome sight, leading his forces from the front astride his Dawneagle Jetbike, Aquila's Fury, a highly customized machine designed for both speed and raw destructive power. Armed with a paragon spear and a master-crafted adrathic destructor, Rubrum excels at taking down high-value targets and disrupting enemy lines before they can respond. His ability to read the flow of battle and react with lightning-quick precision has made him one of the most effective commanders in the Custodes ranks.

Despite his unconventional methods, Rubrum's loyalty to the Emperor and Terra is absolute. He believes that the true strength of the Custodes lies not just in their martial prowess, but in their adaptability and readiness to confront any threat, no matter where in the galaxy it may arise.